Sunday, March 2, 2014

Selfless Act

by: Lucas F. There is one altruistic act that I am very proud of doing. There is a lady back where I live that had an old gazebo she needed painted, naturally she asked around and my mom discovered that she needed help. Upon finding this my mom told me and my brother to give her a call and help her out. So we did so, thinking it wouldn't be too much trouble to paint a simple gazebo. Now when we got down to this gazebo it's paint was all chipped and the roof had moss all over it and it's table on the inside was just in awful shape. So me and my brother started on this as soon as we could. When starting on the gazebo we just started scraping the old paint off, this was a very long task that took us more time than expected. We then had to started cleaning the rest of it off so we could start painting. Now when starting on painting it was pretty easy at first but then when we got to the smaller parts it started taking us a lot longer. It took us about 2 weeks to get this thing done, it was a long tiring process. In the end we each only got 50$ and I feel that the job should have payed more, but at the end we felt good about helping her out. After doing this job I was kind of disappointed that we only got 50$ for it. But after thinking about what my brother and I did for that lady was a really good thing. Painting that gazebo was something her and her husband would not have been able to do at their old age. So after all that I think we felt pretty good about helping them out. If we wouldn't have done it someone else might have wanted to charge her more for it and she might not have found anyone to do it for her at all. Another altruistic act I have preformed would be helping out with Habitat for Humanity. There have been many days I have gone and helped this organization. The things I have done include like painting houses, going in and helping them with construction tasks, and just general stuff like that. Doing this kind of stuff really makes you feel good after a good days work. Knowing that you have helped someone in need is a really great feeling it's one like no other. These are just a few of my acts, I like to help people out whenever I can. The ones above are the major ones I have done. I help anyone out I can, if it's just as small as holding the door for someone with their hands full, or donating a few dollars to a homeless person. It's little things like that, that can make a real difference in someones day.

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