Sunday, March 9, 2014

Are college admission exams to hard?

by Lucas. F. I feel that the ACT test is very hard for high school students. I myself took the ACT so I do not know how tough the SAT is but I imagine it is about the same difficulty. During my high school career I learned very little of what is put on the ACT. The teachers in high school just don't cover subjects in as much detail as the ACT asks questions. I took my ACT my senior year in high school, and it was a very hard test, some of the questions I just didn't understand at all. I only took the ACT, being as the SAT was not offered many places near me and I didn't want to make a travel for a test. Being that I do not know what the SAT is like, but I do feel that it would be just as hard and maybe just as confusing as the ACT. The way they set the test up is just not a good way to measure the knowledge of high school students. Before the test I felt pretty good, I felt that I had the knowledge to take it on. Also before the test I did feel tired, I feel they make those tests way to early in the morning, at that time most peoples brains are not running at full capacity and therefor they might not be thinking at the level they should. After-wards I felt like I didn't do so well on the test, the questions were just way to complicated and very hard to understand. They also had a lot of information on them that was not explained well and that none of my high school teachers had thought me. I do not feel like the scores reflect how I would do in college at all. My scores were not the best, just about the lowest you could get to get into college with. I think that in college I preform better then my scores reflect. The subjects are explained more in college and I get a better feel for the information, unlike on the test. The questions on the test just do not make any sense, they try to make them way more complicated then they need to be. I understand it's a college admission test but I feel like this test would be more suited for students about to graduate college, instead of heading there.

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