Sunday, February 23, 2014

Presidential Candidate

by Lucas. F. There are many attributes that make up a good President. Some Presidents are born with these skills naturally and they just have that certain sense on what to do in certain situations. Others have to really work to get to the level of having those skills. When you look at a President you need to look at them and feel "I feel good about this guy, he really seems to know what he's doing." When it all comes down to it I feel the skills a president needs to have are, public speaking,cognitive style,organizational methods, emotional intelligence, political skill, leadership skills, responsibility, and courage, but the list goes on. In a Presidential candidate I feel that I want then to know how to speak to me, when they are up there speaking about all their plans I want to feel like they are talking directly at me, like they know what I want them to do. Most presidents are not the best public speakers, such as Obama, he seems to have stuttered a lot and had a hard time tying together his sentences, after the years went on I feel that he got better at it but in the beginning it was still something I noticed that was wrong. The other skill I would like to touch up on is the most important one. Leadership, a president needs to have exceptional leadership skills to make it in presidency. Most presidents that go out and try to run usually have a good amount of leadership skills, but then there are some not so much. They must be able to make decisions that effect the whole country, in my mind someone that can do that without hesitation and make the right choice is a very good presidential candidate.

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