Monday, February 10, 2014

Argument Story

by: Lucas. F. What argument means to me is something you think is wrong, and you want to fight for that point. Logic is what you know to be true, or you have a fact to back it up. I personally have not had very little experience with argumentative writing. To form my argument for mountaintop removal I will find all the facts I can about how it effects our environment and all of the cons of this process, then form a paper about it. The best claim I can make on this topic is that mountaintop removal is a very destructive process that harms the environment immensely and it needs to be stopped by all means. I will be supporting my claim by using facts on mountaintop removal and all of it's destructive properties. Also I will be stating the cost of the transportation that it takes to transport coal across the United States and many other problems with this topic.

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